Lowest Price Generic Levitra
Levitra vardenafil is a member of the impotence agents drug class and is commonly used for Erectile Dysfunction.
Levitra vardenafil is a member of the impotence agents drug class and is commonly used for Erectile Dysfunction.
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It works by helping to relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing blood to flow into the penis causing an erection.
Error bars, standard deviation of 3 replicates.
Vardenafil generic Levitra is a PDE5 inhibitor, used to treat erectile dysfunction.
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Levitra with the active ingredient Vardenafil is used to help men achieve and maintain an erection.
Levitra is taken orally and used to treat similar symptoms as other common ED medications like Cialis and Viagra.
It is a phosphodiesterase 5 type inhibitor PDE5, which makes it from the same family of drugs as other well know ED medicines such as Viagra and Cialis.