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A type of sedative medication that is primarily prescribed to treat insomnia. Zolpidem is a central nervous system depressant purchase ambien generic is capable of altering the normal functioning of the body system even when a doctor prescribes it. Ambien falls under the sedative-hypnotics medication that functions by reducing or slowing down the brain activities to induce sleep.
Get the lowest prices on generic medications. We work with your doctor or local pharmacist to take care of transfers, refill requests, and more. Zolpidem is used to treat a certain sleep problem insomnia in adults. If you have trouble falling asleep, it helps you fall asleep faster, so you can get a better night's rest.
One of the significant places in the modern therapy of insomnia is occupied by a drug with a new chemical structure — Zolpidem Ambien. It is a short-acting sedative and hypnotic drug prescribed for treating insomnia and sleep disorders. This medicine is a specific agonist of central receptors belonging to the GABA-omega macromolecular receptor complex, which modulates the opening of the chloride ion channel. Under therapeutic indications, it is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of adjustment sleep disorder and transient insomnia, including frequent awakenings from sleep and difficulty falling asleep. It successfully treats insomnia when it restricts the patient's activity or exposes a person to a serious stressful situation. Inside just before bedtime in a single dose of 10 mg.
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Authored by Gary Young, MD