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It works by stimulating the release of eggs from the ovary ovulation.

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Clomid is also known as clomiphene citrate. It stimulates the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone FSH, which triggers the ovary to produce one or more egg follicles. Clomid also helps stimulate the production of estrogen, which eventually triggers a surge of luteinizing hormone LH. High levels of LH stimulate ovulation or the release of an egg. Clomid is often prescribed by primary care physicians or OB-GYNs before they refer a couple to see a fertility specialist for more specialized care.

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Unless your insurance plan covers Clomid—and many don't—you may be concerned about the cost. Clomid is relatively inexpensive when compared to other fertility treatments, but it's obviously not free and may be more than you're used to paying for medication. Most people have a pharmacy near their home or work that they prefer to use. Tip: you can also do this for any medication you are prescribed. The price will increase for higher dosages. Also, ask if you can pay less if you buy more than one month's supply. Your doctor may be willing to prescribe you 3 months of pills at a time. You should also ask if they carry generic Clomid, clomiphene citrate.


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Clomid is an oral medication that is used to treat infertility in women. While it does treat a wide range of infertility factors, it usually focuses on irregular ovulation. If you are struggling with becoming pregnant, you may want to consult your physician clomid where to buy taking Clomid. Clomid works in various ways, including stimulating the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormones that trigger the ovary to produce one or more egg follicles. It also helps with the production of estrogen, which can trigger an increase in the luteinizing hormone. High levels of this hormone can stimulate the release of an egg or ovulation.

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It's not unusual for fertility treatments to come with a steep price tag. Depending on multiple factors, rates can vary quite a bit. Here's what to expect when researching the price of Clomid. Your insurance carrier should be able to help you understand what percentage of the price you are responsible for. Unfortunately, Clomid is rarely covered by insurance. Even if the cost of Clomid isn't covered, you may be able to get a lower rate through your insurance plan than you would if paying out of pocket on your own.

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If you want to purchase Clomid over the counter, you should understand that it is discontinued in the USA. With an clomid where to buy ingredient being clomifene citrate, Clomid belongs to the class of drugs and is widely used to induce fertilization if the egg in women who suffer from infertility. It emulates the principle of work of estrogen — the reproductive hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It promotes the maturation of eggs and initiates ovulation and the release of eggs from the ovary. The doctor may prescribe Clomid to initiate ovulation in female patients who have particular medical conditions, such as ovarian cysts or endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age.

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Clomiphene citrate is an anti-estrogenic drug prescribed to women for the treatment of anovulatory infertility. The drug does its job by interacting with estrogen receptors, in a largely antagonistic manner, in various tissues of the body, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, endometrium, vagina and cervix. Clomid Clomifene, Clomiphene is a clomid where to buy estrogen receptor modulator with agonistic and antagonistic properties. There are only three ways for medications: orally capsules, nasal spray and injections. Clomid can be used alone or in combination with other medications. Clomid belongs to a drug class known as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators.

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