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These cognitive benefits are possibly linked to specific actions in the frontal cortex. Modafinil is structurally different from amphetamines and has a different profile of neurochemical and behavioral effects 1. Modafinil may be relatively selective for cortical over subcortical effects, according to preliminary evidence, with multiple effects on catecholamine systems in the brain, including DAT and NET inhibition, and elevation of extracellular catecholamines, glutamate, serotonin, and HA, activation of the orexinergic system, and decreased GABA 1. Modafinil exhibits modest affinity for the DA transporter DAT in a rodent brain preparation, and the doses used to detect DAT binding were times lower than that which promotes wakefulness in monkeys 1.
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Multivariate analyses demonstrated an association between modafinil use and each examined potential off-label indication: multiple sclerosis, odds ratio OR, Patients treated by psychiatrists OR, Each examined medication class was associated with increased odds of concurrently receiving modafinil: antidepressants OR, 8. That modafinil appears strongly associated with depression and multiple sclerosis is especially noteworthy given that the trials on which the US Food and Drug Administration approved modafinil excluded patients with such diseases.
Nonetheless, substantial increases in modafinil use occurred between and, after this case was settled. Of note, modafinil use declined substantially between and Our study has important limitations. Data about the specific diagnosis for which modafinil was prescribed were not available.
By observing and fnding out about the everyday life of the residents with dementia, and their interactions with others, they found that those with dementia were often able to interact with others and had an aware- ness of their situation and surroundings, emphasizing the need to encourage interaction between all residents within a residential setting. Action research is the process by which practitioners or researchers work together to address issues that arise in everyday practice in order to develop a systematic approach to change implementation and the evaluation of change. Action research is a cyclical method of planning, implementing and evaluat- ing change and development in the working environment. Action research is often designed and conducted by practitioners who analyse the data to improve their own practice. Changes in the use of the portfolio as a tool for continuing professional development were introduced and evaluated in the action research project.
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Authored by Gary Young, MD