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To avoid excessive dosage in obese patients, dose should be calculated on the basis of ideal weight for height. UKHSA advises aciclovir is used for post-exposure prophylaxis buy acyclovir medication varicella zoster infection, but it is not licensed for this indication. Elderly risk of neurological reactions ; maintain adequate hydration especially with infusion or high doses. Abdominal pain; diarrhoea; dizziness; fatigue; fever; headache; nausea; photosensitivity reaction; skin reactions; vomiting. Abdominal pain; agitation; angioedema; ataxia; coma; confusion; diarrhoea; dizziness; drowsiness; dysarthria; dyspnoea; encephalopathy; fatigue; fever; hallucination; headache; hepatic disorders; inflammation localised; psychosis; renal impairment; renal pain; seizure; tremor.
Herpes simplex virus HSV affects more than one third of the world's population 1 and is responsible for a wide array of human disease, with effects ranging from discomfort to death. Before the s, when acyclovir Zovirax was introduced as an antiviral drug, cutaneous HSV infection was managed with drying agents and other local care. Newer antiviral drugs with once-daily dosage benefits have emerged during the past several years. Famciclovir Famvir and valacyclovir Valtrex offer effective and convenient therapeutic choices but are often more expensive than acyclovir.
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Authored by Dr. Cory Alfers, DO